29 Jun

Who/what are you investing in today to inspire hope?

What do you do when you have been shown that a part of who you are can hold you back from opportunity? And then, see a protection made to minimize that threat stripped away? More that one #SCOTUS decision has done this and the #affirmativeaction decision today is definitely disheartening.
What do you do in these moments? What my mother's culture thought me is that you don't go it alone - you lean into community. Lean into people and groups that can see you for all the good and the flaws. Lean into those that hold you accountable to growth and celebrates your success. Find people who can hold space for you. Invest in organizations devoted to the expansion of equity and inclusion.

This is an end but also an opportunity to begin. Invest in organizations that are doing the work to make sure progress continues. Raise your voice and be part of solutions.

Who/what are you investing in today to inspire hope?

#work #success #opportunity #growth #community #inclusion #culture 

Original Post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/suankregel_there-is-so-much-power-in-your-voice-and-activity-7080241098790502400-EOpV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop 

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